Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More Results Are In

So I was trying to give my mind a break. Since my last consult with the doctor I have been continuing with my weekly blood draws, but not going out of my way to call in to the doctor's office following each lab. My desire was to not hang on every number and just try to clear my mind from all of this hormone tracking until my next consult on the 31st.

I almost made it...until the doctor decided to call me yesterday after my lab draw since she had not heard from me in awhile. Regardless of my wants, the results are in:

July 18th (day of the D&C)- hCG level: 20,000
July 24th- hCG level: 727
July 31st- hCG level: 94
August 11th- hCG level: 16
August 18th- hCG level: 7
August 25- hCG level: 4

Dr. Hart did not like that in the last few weeks the decline has been so slow, but I will take what I can get. Since it has been over a month, and the numbers are now so low, the chances of needing any type of chemo are definitely out the window. Now just comes the agonizing waiting for the levels to get down to zero and remain there for awhile. The verdict is still out on what the oncologist feels the time frame will be for needing the hormone levels to remain at zero before trying another pregnancy.

On Monday I will have another blood draw and meet with the doctor. I am hoping for a 2 or lower ( :

In the meanwhile... I have returned to teaching 5th and 6th period. I never told the students at the end of last year that I was leaving or that I was pregnant...but schools are like small towns and word spreads anyways. Since being back at school I have heard that I am still pregnant (just looking really small for 18 weeks), I have heard that I had a baby over the summer (my body just recovers quickly), and some of them actually heard the real version of the story and know not to ask any questions.

I love spending the mornings with Kaia. We have had two playdates already this week, and one craft morning during which she took the scissors to my hair (I was focusing too much on my craft and not on her wandering mind- good thing it is curly hair, you can barely notice the rather large chunk missing from the front).

Monday, August 3, 2009

Dr. Consult/Lab Day #2

On Friday I got the great news that my hCG levels had dropped all the way down from 20,000 to 720!! This is a good sign that they will continue to go down and if that is the case, then chemo will not ever have to happen.
Besides the good news, during my consult, the doctor also told me that this was only the third molar pregnancy she has ever dealt with (and she is in her 50s). This really put into perspective how rare this situation is. She explained that she thinks the recommendations on molar pregnancies have changed and aren't as stringent as they used to be. She will need to discuss things with the oncologist, but she believes that once I get my hormone levels down to zero, then I might just need to keep them there for three consecutive tests before we can try to get pregnant again ( : In the end though, it will be the oncologist's decision since he is the one that deals with the risks of cancer and such.
On Friday I also had my second lab draw and will continue to have these weekly. I do not go back into the doctor for a visit until the 31st. So, as long as I hear nothing from her, it means that my hormone levels from the labs are continuing to drop.
Thanks to everyone for their support and thoughts!
Kaia is still asking every few days for a baby brother...and you know how spoiled she is, so I want to make sure she gets what she wants soon ( :